An End

Funny how after how many years of being idle, I finally had the drive to write in this blog. Surprisingly though, I had to write an end to the posts I had few years ago about the infinity story. I’ll be writing a heartfelt letter to you.

Hi, my almost.

Today was supposed to be our 56th monthsary but the supposed to be celebration will no longer happen since our relationship ended 15 days ago. It was you. You had your reasons and even if I cannot fully understood why, asking myself if I was at fault, if I had done something wrong, asking my worth, and the endless whys in my head that kept me awake crying all night, I accepted the fact that you wanted to end the relationship. It was difficult. The memories and the relationship I had with you was too precious but then I have to face the coming days without you. But then, thank you.

Thank you for the wonderful 55months. It was a long journey with you. We had our special moments together; from the time we first met, to our first conversation, to our travels and food trips, to our petty fights,  to supporting each other in all our endeavors and hardships in life, to our presence on our special days and of our family and friends, truly, those were the days I was over the moon for having you.

To my almost forever, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry if I have failed this relationship. Sorry if I was demanding of your time and I was inconsiderate at times. I was never perfect but I tried to be enough but still, I wasn’t.

To you, his next,

Please take care of him and his family more than I did. Make him more special that I did, and give him your all, more than I did.

I guess this is the end but the new beginning for us. I will no longer force myself to you because I know you no longer wanted to. I know God has plans for both of us and I just have to trust Him. To my almost forever, I will treasure you forever, but thank you for giving me the opportunity to find my next and my “the one”.



PS Thank you for the memories. ❤️